Oracle of Love
 Hexagram 1
Energy and initiative.
The hexagrams of the Oracle are constructed from
the two building
blocks of Yang and Yin, as represented by the solid and broken lines of
which they are composed. This hexagram contains only solid lines, and
so epitomises the qualities of Yang.
Yang is the prime mover.
Yang energetically conceives a stream of initiatives,
to which Yin responds by providing a
perfectly complementary opposite to receive every initiative,
thereby letting it happen and giving it meaning.
Yin's receptivity is irresistibly attractive to Yang.
Yang has the qualities of strength, presence and
importance to empower its initiatives.
The success of an initiative depends on the
enthusiasm with which Yin chooses to receive it. An enthusiastic
reception will lead to Love while a subdued reception will end in a standstill or see Yang
tire and perhaps abandon the initiative.
The meaning of the hexagram is in
initiative, energising it with desire so that it may find Love.
This hexagram also represents one of twelve
stages in the cycle
of development and decline, a general principle of the Oracle.
It describes the stage of being fully present at the culmination of a