Oracle of Love
 Hexagram 16
Art weaves a web of enchantment. Remember yourself.
The hexagram describes an artful projection of
imagination into a show
that is larger than life and therefore very seductive. This is the
power of theatre and art to create an artificial reality to which an
audience will willingly surrender.
There are benefits to participating in such
artificiality, not least of
which is the enjoyment of splendours beyond those of everyday
experience. And a great artist can lead an audience into a disclosure
of deep truth and self-knowledge.
However, there is a danger that awareness of the
pretence can be lost
and the audience assumes the make-believe for reality, or they fail to
return to their normal sensibilities after the show. There is even
greater danger that the enchantment will enthuse people to real-life
action when it is used as propaganda or advertising. It is necessary to
balance the joy of being carried away with alertness to the possibility
of being manipulated.
We are particularly foolish when we believe the
false realities that we
ourselves project and subsequently bear the load of having false
expectations from real life. We need to be able to step back from our
own fantasies and those of others.
The hexagram can also be seen as a parable for
the material world as
theatre, in which we have lost awareness of our spiritual reality. Our
challenge in this theatre is to remember who we are while continuing to
be dazzled by the show.