
Oracle of Love

Hexagram 18

There is something to be done.
Do it now.

Determination is required to perform a task or overcome an obstruction. This means thorough, concerted and persistent effort. It also requires bringing one's mind to bear on the task in that the work be done intelligently and the sensitivities of the situation be considered.

It is necessary to have a clear intention before acting. The priority is to reach the objective rather than stick to a plan. Constantly keeping the end in mind and being flexible allows one to respond to situations and sensitivities as they develop.

The task is urgent. Start as soon as possible.

Suggested Responses

Something needs to be done. This is not a time to shirk because things have become too hard or you are too tired. It is necessary to wake up and rouse what energies you can. But you need to have a clear intention before acting.

If you are not aware of any urgent requirement then take the time, now if possible, to examine your situation more carefully. Something is out of place, probably preventing an expression of Love.

If you cannot act immediately, keep your intention in mind and return to the task as soon as possible.

If you are already engaged in a determined effort, you are being encouraged in your determination.


One acts on the highest of impulses.
There is opportunity for Love.

One's actions are considered and appropriate.
One can do no better under the circumstances.

Prevented from performing one's task.

Determined action fails.
Or, Inconsiderate determination.

Determined action opens an opportunity for Love.

Slow, deliberate action is welcome.
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