Universal Power

Oracle of Love

Hexagram 26

Spiritual influence.

Universal power is the influence of the universe as a sentient spiritual whole.

The spiritual influence is supremely restrained: It is so subtle, modest and uncontrolling as to have the lightest touch of all powers. A perennial background to more forceful foreground powers, it thrills the cosmos with a song of Love that is difficult to detect above the foreground din. Universal power is a beacon to harmony but does not enforce it.

Universal power leaves us free to exert personal power in the conduct of our lives and can be obscured by our personal forcefulness. The world abounds with personal powers obscuring universal power, disturbing its harmonious expression.

We can become aware of universal power by being quiet and attending to subtlety. We can follow its rhythms by fluidly adapting to change. We can harmonize with it using a delicate, sensitive touch. Following its song leads us to Love. Feeling its thrills intensifies our sensibilities. Harmonizing our personal power with universal power gives human and spiritual delight.

The hexagram describes the restraining of power. The universal spirit influences the world but does not control it, while we have personal power because we are not spiritually controlled. By modestly restraining our personal power we can avoid obscuring universal power and give greater expression to the spiritual harmony.

In the random fall of a hexagram, the spiritual influence becomes apparent because foreground influences have been restrained. In meditation we become aware of the spiritual subtleties because foreground influences have been subdued.

Universal power is absolutely modest. To utilize it we too must be absolutely modest.

Suggested Responses

Let the spiritual influence shine through.

Restrain your own power. Look to the subtleties of your situation. Don't let foreground commotion distract you from giving attention to subtlety.

Look for subtlety in Love.

Alternatively, this may be a good time to explore your deeper feelings in search of your spiritual connection. Meditation may be appropriate.

If you are not able to be sufficiently quiet, search out a knowledge that leads to an understanding of subtlety of mind, and refrain from all activity at this time.


Universal power expressed.
Is it Love?

In the service of Love.

Modest use of one's own strength may not be in conflict with universal power.

Learning through being quiet.

One’s own power is held in check.

Universal power cannot be heard above the noise.

This interpretation of the hexagram is significantly different to a classical I Ching interpretation. However, universal power is similar to the classical concept of Tao.

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