Oracle of Love
 Hexagram 61
Truth is uncomplicated.
The hexagram means the truth of reality as it
is, measured by the directness of one's experience of the moment.
Close to this truth, one's experience is simple.
It is as uncomplicated
and real as it possibly can be.
When one has fewer expectations and
preconceptions about reality, there
are fewer internal complexities preventing its direct perception and
one’s expressions are more sincere.
A less complex external environment also
facilitates a direct
engagement with reality because it is easier to comprehend and imposes
fewer demands on one’s behaviour.
By taking life as it comes and not subjecting
one’s experience to
comparison, one can be more accepting of reality as it is and more
comfortable with one's place in it. Simplicity leads to peace of mind.
Simplicity can also be seen in the uncomplicated
straightforwardness of
domestic life. The hexagram means feeling at home.